As a computer engineering major at Texas A&M, I have a strong academic foundation and comprehensive leadership experience through the Corps of Cadets. My extensive involvement in tutoring for the General O.R. Simpson Corps Honor Society showcases a dedication to excellence and service, and my involvement as a staff member displays my willingness to step up when necessary. I have a proven track record as a Robotics Engineer Intern at Leidos, where I've successfully completed projects and designed solutions that improved product quality and productivity.
Areas of Interest
My main areas of technical focus are robotics, artificial intelligence, and computer graphics.
Robotics has captivated me since my grandpa gave me a LEGO Mindstorms set when I was 5 years old. I built several different robots with it while I had the flu, and ever since, I've been hooked. In elementary school, I participated in FIRST Lego League, and then in middle school I helped as much as I could with my mom's FRC team (two steps up from FLL), despite being too young to be an official member. When I finally made it to high school, not only did I finally join the team as a full member, but I also joined a BEST Robotics team, eventually becoming team captain.
AI is more of a recent interest because of the special kinds of problems that can be solved with AI. Just as I was getting interested, ChatGPT came out and the wave of AI generated content and AI-powered applications hit. My first internship at Leidos helped me to get up to speed on AI just in time for the boom.
Engineering, especially programming, is such a purely logical, thinking exercise that any opportunity to embrace the other side of my brain and do a little art is welcome. Maybe that's why I enjoy graphics programming so much: it's all about setting out with an artistic vision and making that happen through creative application of mathematics. In many ways, it's a perfect blend of art and science.